
Highlights from the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance Patrons Meeting

In a resounding celebration of diversity and inclusion, Compass Group UK&I recently hosted the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance Patrons meeting at the iconic Edgbaston Stadium.

The event brought together our patrons, key stakeholders, industry leaders, for apprenticeship and skills programmes, providing a platform for insightful presentations and meaningful discussions. The meeting also provided Jagdeep Soor to provide an overview of the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance activity in 2023 and strategic and growth plans for 2024. Kasim Choudhry spoke in detail about the upcoming Festival of Apprenticeships launch and 3 events in London, Birmingham and Manchester in 2024.

Compass Group UK&I and Levy Group provided a comprehensive overview of their apprenticeship programmes and career roadmaps. The presentations not only highlighted the company’s commitment to nurturing talent but also showcased their innovative approach to creating a multicultural and inclusive work environment.

Maa Patrons Compass Present Edgbaston

Thank you to everyone in their continued support and commitment in ensuring that the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance and our other initiatives continue to make meaningful impact for marginalised communities.

Jagdeep Soor, Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance

One of the highlights of the meeting was Nishi Mehta’s presentation on “Dignity at Work.” Nishi Mehta of CM Talent addressed the crucial issue of a respectful and inclusive workplace culture. The presentation focused on the latest legal amendments and the impact of banter, bullying and harassment at work, detailing the impacts from a multicultural perspective. Dignity at Work is a cornerstone for a harmonious work environment, and Nishi’s insights provided valuable perspectives on how organisations can cultivate an atmosphere of respect, understanding, and appreciation for diversity.

Laura-Jane Rawlings, the CEO of Youth Employment UK and one of the most respected leaders in the sector, took the stage to unveil the results of the Youth Voice Census 2023. The census, a comprehensive survey capturing the experiences and aspirations of young people, shed light on the challenges and opportunities faced by the youth. Rawlings’ presentation underscored the importance of understanding the evolving needs of the younger generation and adapting apprenticeship programmes to align with their aspirations. The 4 focus impact areas were Disaffected & Disconnected, Catching Up, Facing the Future and Quality Work.

As the meeting progressed, participants engaged in lively discussions, exchanging ideas and best practices for enhancing diversity and inclusion in apprenticeship initiatives.

 “The synergy between industry leaders and advocates reflected a shared commitment to creating pathways for individuals of all backgrounds to thrive in their chosen careers.”

Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance Patron Photo December 2023

The culmination of the event featured an exclusive tour of Edgbaston Stadium, providing participants with a firsthand look at the venue’s rich history and modern facilities. The stadium tour served as a metaphor for the journey toward a more equity and inclusion – a journey marked by progress, innovation, and a commitment to creating environments where everyone can excel.

In conclusion, the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance Patrons meeting chaired by Jagdeep Soor, Head of Strategic Partnerships was a resounding success, delivering collaboration, dialogue, and inspiration. The presentations from Compass Group UK&I and Levy Group showcased the strides being made in apprenticeship programs, while Nishi Mehta’s focus on dignity at work and Laura-Jane Rawlings’ insights from the Youth Voice Census added depth to the discussions. The event underscored the importance of continual dialogue and collaboration in the pursuit of creating truly inclusive and empowering opportunities for all.