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Unlocking the Power of Lifelong Learning:

The Lifelong Loan Entitlement and the Future of Education

Safaraz Ali, CEO of Pathway Group said he was delighted to welcome the Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE), which is set to be introduced in 2025 as part of the Government’s reforms to post-18 education and training.

Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE)

The LLE is designed to give people greater flexibility to upskill and progress throughout their careers, which can be used to pay for short courses, modules or full courses.

The Lifelong Loan Entitlement and the Lifelong Learning Bill represent a major step forward in supporting people to access high-quality education and training throughout their working lives.

Firstly, learners should enter an education system with opportunity and flexibility at its heart. The LLE will provide learners with a flexible loan that they can use throughout their working lives to upskill and progress, regardless of their age or previous qualifications. This will enable people to make career changes and take advantage of new opportunities, without being restricted by financial barriers

Secondly, funding models should support learners to study through different routes. The diversity of the Further Education (FE) sector is a strength, and incentives should enable providers to grow their high-quality provision in line with their missions. The LLE will provide learners with the opportunity to study short courses and modules, as well as full courses, which will allow them to tailor their learning to their individual needs and preferences.

Thirdly, skills providers should collaborate to support seamless progression. Enabling learners to move between further education and higher education for different needs will be key to the success of these reforms. Providers should build on strategic local partnerships to deliver more seamless, connected solutions for employers and greater opportunities for students within regions. These partnerships will deliver on ambitions for growth and quality, and will help learners to progress smoothly from one level of study to another.

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Safaraz Ali, concluded: “This is a game-changing development that will help to support more people to access high-quality courses that meet the skills needs of employers, and that will get them into good jobs.

It will also create more flexibility for people to decide when they want to study, helping them to progress and achieve their career goals. I am excited to see the positive impact this will have on individuals, businesses and the wider economy.”