Everyone has the right to live, learn and work in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect

Anju Saini

Quality Performance Coach

Meet Anju

My name is Anju Saini and I have over 15 years of experience working in Education, specialising in extensive experience in teaching and managing staff and students with pastoral support in the quality sector.

I started my early career as a History Teacher in India. However, I moved to the UK in 2011 to join my new family after marriage. I enrolled myself on an STLC course and then gained DTLLS. Whilst studying I became a tutor at Learndirect where I gained many opportunities to develop professionally, such as teaching level 3 English and Maths and earning my assessor award.

My job responsibilities are quality management and supporting teaching and learning. In addition, my role is to support tutors and employers to enable learners to fulfill their educational and personal ambitions.

  • I won the ‘West Midlands Learning Life Skills Individual Award’ by NIACE and the BBC in 2014.
  • Teaching observation and file grading 1, OFSTED standards.

I love spending time with my family and feel happy and content with selfless work as a volunteer.

One area that I’m passionate about is self-development and self-improvement in my personal life. I’m always looking to challenge myself and learn new things. I believe in  “Without self-development and self-improvement, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. “