Everyone has the right to live, learn and work in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect

Lead Adult Care Worker Apprenticeship (Level 3)

Designed for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in the adult care sector. This includes those who are new to the field, as well as those who are already working in adult care and wish to develop their skills and knowledge further. Apprenticeships in adult care are suitable for a range of roles, including care assistants, support workers, senior care workers, and care coordinators. 

Leading frontline care for vulnerable adults within their own homes, day care centres, residential and nursing homes and other healthcare settings.


What is it about?
This apprenticeship provides individuals with an ideal entry into the occupation of adult care and supports progression within this sector. Lead Adult Care Workers are the frontline staff who help adults with care and support needs to achieve their personal goals and live as independently and safely as possible, enabling them to have control and choice in their lives.

Lead Adult Care Workers have responsibility for providing supervision, frontline leadership, guidance and direction for others, or working autonomously, exercising judgement and accountability.

This apprenticeship standard has been allocated a maximum funding cap of £7,000 which is the anticipated full cost for delivering this standard and the end point assessment.

Knowledge, Skills & Behaviours (KSBs)

KSBs are the core attributes that you must have as an apprentice in order to be competent in the occupation that you’re working in. They sit alongside your technical studies and exams and are the main assessment methods used in an end point assessment (EPA). Think of it like the soft skills you see in the workplace.

  • Knowledge – the information, technical detail, and ‘know-how’ that someone needs to have and understand to successfully carry out the duties. Some knowledge will be occupation-specific, whereas some may be more generic.
  • Skills – the practical application of knowledge needed to successfully undertake the duties. They are learnt through on- and/or off-the-job training or experience.
  • Behaviours – mindsets, attitudes or approaches needed for competence. Whilst these can be innate or instinctive, they can also be learnt. Behaviours tend to be very transferable. They may be more similar across occupations than knowledge and skills. For example, team worker, adaptable and professional.


  •  The job they have to do, their main tasks and responsibilities
  • The importance of having the right values and behaviours
  • The importance of communication
  • How to support individuals to remain safe from harm (Safeguarding)
  • How to champion health and wellbeing for the individuals they support and work colleagues
  • How to work professionally, including their own professional development of those they support and work colleagues


  • Undertake the main tasks and responsibilities according to their job role
  • Treat people with respect and dignity and honour their human rights
  • Communicate clearly and responsibly
  • Support individuals to remain safe from harm (Safeguarding)
  • Champion health and wellbeing for the individuals they support
  • Work professionally and seek to develop their own professional development


  • Care
  •  Compassion
  •  Courage
  • Communication
  • competence
  • Commitment
  • Support individuals they are working with according to their personal care/support plan
  • Take the initiative when working outside normal duties and responsibilities
  • Recognise and access help when not confident or skilled in any aspect of the role that they are undertaking
  • Implement/facilitate the specialist assessment of social, physical, emotional and spiritual needs of individuals with cognitive, sensory and physical impairments
  • Contribute to the development and ongoing review of care/support plans for the individuals they support
  • Provide individuals with information to enable them to exercise choice on how they are supported
  • Encourage individuals to actively participate in the way their care and support is delivered
  • Ensure that individuals know what they are agreeing to regarding the way in which they are supported
  • Lead and support colleagues to understand how to establish informed consent when providing care and support
  • Guide, mentor and contribute to the development of colleagues in the execution of their duties and responsibilities
  • Demonstrate dignity in their working role with individuals they support, their families, carers and other professionals
  • Support others to understand the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion in social care
  • Exhibit empathy for individuals they support, i.e. understanding and compassion
  • Exhibit courage in supporting individuals in ways that may challenge their own cultural and belief systems
  • Demonstrate and promote to other workers excellent communication skills including confirmation of understanding to individuals, their families, carers and professionals
  • Use and facilitate methods of communication preferred by the individual they support according to the individual’s language, cultural and sensory needs, wishes and preferences
  • Take the initiative and reduce environmental barriers to communication
  • Demonstrate and ensure that records and reports are written clearly and concisely
  • Lead and support others to keep information safe, preserve confidentiality in accordance with agreed ways of working
  • Support others, to recognise and respond to potential signs of abuse according to agreed ways of working
  • Work in partnership with external agencies to respond to concerns of abuse
  • Lead and support others to address conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between an individual’s rights and duty of care
  • Recognise, report, respond to and record unsafe practices and encourage others to do so
  • Lead and mentor others where appropriate to promote the wellbeing of the individuals they support
  • Demonstrate the management of the reduction of infection, including use of best practice in hand hygiene
  • Promote healthy eating and wellbeing by supporting individuals to have access to fluids, food and nutrition
  • Carry out fire safety procedures and manage others to do so
  • Develop risk assessments and use in a person centred way to support individuals safely including moving and assisting people and objects
  • Manage, monitor, report and respond to changes in the health and wellbeing of the individuals they support
  • Take the initiative to identify and form professional relationships with other people and organisations
  • Demonstrate, manage and support self and others to work within safe, clear professional boundaries
  • Take the initiative to evaluate and improve own skills and knowledge through reflective practice, supervision, feedback and learning opportunities
  • Demonstrate continuous professional development
  • Carry out research relevant to individuals’ support needs and share with others
  • Demonstrate where necessary mentoring and supervision to others in the workplace
  • Demonstrate good team/partnership working skills
  • Demonstrate their contribution to robust recruitment and induction processes

End-point assessment (EPA) is the final stage of your apprenticeship. It is an impartial assessment of the skills, knowledge and behaviours developed, outlined in the apprenticeship standard.

Situational Judgement Test
  • The situational judgement test will present the candidate with a range of real-life scenarios about which the learner will have to answer questions in a multiple choice format (60 questions).
  • Questions will draw from the stated knowledge and skills elements of the standard and focus on the higher order competencies.
  • Material may be drawn from any part of the apprenticeship standard.
Professional Discussion
  • 45 minute professional discussion
  • A professional discussion will be undertaken with an independent assessor. The discussion will be of no more than 45 minutes duration. Candidates can only apply to undertake the discussion component once the multiple choice assessment has been achieved. The discussion will draw questions and amplifications from prior learning and experience including, where applicable, the candidate’s self-assessment and supporting evidence including testimony from users of services and a sample of standardised candidate questions asked of every apprentice candidate in the interview.
  • These questions will be developed and made open and public on the internet. There is an opportunity to re-sit or retake the Professional Discussion. If a re-take is necessary the maximum award achievable would be a Pass. In exceptional circumstances a re-sit may be arranged and graded as the first Professional Discussion Pass, Merit or Distinction.