Everyone has the right to live, learn and work in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect

Investors in People Gold

After years of hard work and rigorous assessment, we’re thrilled to receive the prestigious Investors in People Gold accreditation.

Investors in People: Gold

You need an organisation trusted in the industry to provide you with accreditation for your organisation against a framework to measure the performance.

Investors in People has developed and refined the accreditation process for almost three decades to help leaders, employees, and companies work together to create a suitable environment.

Successful accreditation with the Investors in People standard signifies a great employer, an outperforming place to work and a clear commitment to sustainability.


How much trust is there between people and the leadership team?
Do leaders live up to their values, and inspire the right kind of culture?


Are the right structures in place so people can do their jobs well?
Are people rewarded for doing well?
Are people supported properly if they’re struggling?


Are there plenty of opportunities for people to grow and develop?
Is the company ready for any changes the future might bring?

We’re leading and inspiring our people

Colleagues agree that the leaders of Pathway Group are trusted, clearly communicating the company’s objectives, motivating and inspiring others to achieve their goals.

“Everyone here will either tell you we are about ‘changing Lives through Skills & Work” and/or ‘Enhancing Knowledge, Developing Skills & Changing Behaviours to Transform Communities’, those two statements are on everything, and I guess mean the same thing”.

We’re living by our values & behaviours

Our people and leaders alike work with the company’s values in mind at all times. They have the courage and support to challenge anyone who isn’t doing the same.

“Our values are part of who we are”.

“I will challenge anyone not applying our behaviours including board members, without challenging what is the point of having them”.

We’re empowering and involving our people

Our culture of trust and responsibility gives each person feels ownership over their role and is empowered to make decisions.

“We have policies and procedures we have to follow, and we get appropriate training, and wehave job competencies”.

“Training is provided, along with coaching so that we meet the requirements of ISO 9001 and Ofsted”.

We’re managing performance

Our leaders and people alike set the right objectives, track their progress and act on the feedback of others.

“I agree objectives with my manager at my Performance Appraisals and then I review how well I am doing at my one-to-one meetings”.

“At my Performance Appraisals I agree objectives, but they are more about any training I need. Performance objectives I need to achieve are in the contract/scheme I work on”.

“We get information on what Pathway wants to achieve at the AGM and the information is updated throughout the year”.

We’re recongising and rewarding high performance

We rewards people when they do well. Our people feel motivated to always do their best work.

“There is a lot of thanks here. Not just for staff through our awards evening and Performance Appraisals but we support BAME groups and other communities it is our way of thanking them for their support”.

I get a lot of recognition throughout the year, and I get more formal thanks and well done through my Performance Appraisal”.

“Some people do have a moan about the way they are rewarded, and don’t take account of pension, training that is available and the opportunity to progress and looking after your wellbeing”.

We’re structuring work

Each role is designed in a way that works towards the company’s objectives, creates rewarding work for our people, and encourages them to work together.

“I rely on my team to ensure we meet our targets; we work well as a team”.
“There is a lot of sharing of information between teams/offices as it is the best way to continuously improve what we do. We learn from each other”.

“The way we work, requires a lot of support and coaching that ensures we all work together”.

“Everyone is accountable for ensuring they carry their job out to the best of their ability, but you know you can call on a colleague or your manager if needed”.

“I have a lot of scope, as does everyone else, for decision-making within the job. I am not sure everyone relishes the responsibility”.


We’re building capability

Our leaders develop their people and make sure they’re given everything they need to thrive at work. We take time to hire the right people, at the right time, for the right roles.

“I have all the training that I need to do my job effectively and to help me develop my career”.
“I have already changed jobs and I know there are plenty of opportunities to help me further progress”.
“I talk with my manager about what training I want at my Appraisal”.
“Training isn’t just going on courses we share information and there are coaching and mentoring opportunities”.

We’re delivering continuous improvements

We’re always looking for ways to improve. Our leaders will look beyond their industry for inspiration, and any new approaches they find are welcomed by a culture that encourages innovation.

“I look for continuous improvement in myself and my team”.

“The culture here is one of trying to do what we did yesterday better today”.

“If it’s not broke, we don’t change it but we do look to see if we can do it better”.

“Sometimes we have to change quickly to meet external factors such as Covid and changes in schemes, funding streams and cancellation of schemes. We are proactive when there is enforced change”.

“Our documentation shows everyone is responsible for quality and for identifying areas for improvement and making suggestions on how improvements could be made”.

We’re creating sustainable success

Our leaders are aware of how the world around them is changing over time, and are making the right internal changes to not just keep up, but stay ahead.

“Change is normal for us as schemes and funding streams are continuously changing”.

“When you look at our client base and the makeup of our workforce equality and diversity and inclusion are key to ensuring we treat everyone appropriately”.

“We care about the community, and this is demonstrated through everything we put back into the communities to ensure they are continually improving”.

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Pathway Group White Logo

What does this mean for you, our stakeholders? 

“Our passionate workforce results in a consistent, strong customer relationships and a Senior Leadership Team who genuinely care about what they do.”

“Importantly our passion for being helping people to “Change lives through skills and work” extends not only to our own actions, you’ll find our team are eager to help others make a change for good too. It keeps coming back to our values.”