Everyone has the right to live, learn and work in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect

Disabled Apprentice Network

Disability Rights UK has convened the Disabled Apprentice Network to support the Department for Education to improve the diversity and accessibility of Apprenticeships.

Removing barriers that some Disabled young people might face

Disability Right UK

We’re supporting the the network to consider the barriers that some Disabled young people might face, the things that make apprenticeships successful and what employers can do to provide the necessary support. The Network is discussing these and other issues and working to develop solutions.

Disability Rights are Disabled people leading change, working for equal participation for all

Disability Rights UK is the UK’s leading organisation led by, run by, and working for Disabled people.

Working with Disabled People’s Organisations and Government across the UK to influence regional and national change for better rights, benefits, quality of life and economic opportunities for Disabled people.

Disability Rights Vision:
To create a society where Disabled people have equal power, rights and equality of opportunity.  

Disability Rights Mission:
We campaign for the rights of all Disabled people to be included in every aspect of life. We bring the lived experiences of disabled people to everything we do. We challenge policymakers, institutions and individuals to remove the barriers that exist for us.