Everyone has the right to live, learn and work in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect

Fine Tuning Talent

THE vexed question of targets is examined with an analysis of how they can be counter productive and the danger of individual targets damaging business objectives.

Safaraz emphasises that ‘motivation’ is an emotion and therefore comes and goes whereas ‘dedication’ is more important, as it involves the ability to get things done when times get tough.

His managers evaluate each other’s performance but not with the purpose of trying to outdo one another but so they they can learn and support colleagues that may be struggling.

Safaraz says that data is the ‘most important currency’ in any business but that numbers have to be understood and correctly interpreted.

The example is given of the statistic from a few years ago that people admitted into hospital on Sundays are more likely to die. For some this led to the conclusion that care was inferior on a Sunday, until it was pointed out that people are not routinely taken into hospital on a Sunday and so will be seriously ill or have been involved in a serious accident and therefore more likely to die but not because the care is inferior.

The advice is that employees should have personal plans with a review ideally every three months.

For all staff the importance is to understand and a play a part in meeting the organisational goals.

‘It is amazing what can be achieved when you do not care who takes the credit,’ is a mantra in which people are encouraged to work as a team rather than for their own glory.

This is best achieved by long term organisational goals being met through smaller milestones where everyone can realise that they are playing a part, irrespective of status, as well as feeling that they are truly valued by their colleagues in their team and by their employer.