In an interview given at the Signature Awards to local media representatives, Safaraz was asked about how Pathway Group and businesses, in general, can strive for differentiation and competitive advantage, Safaraz stated: I believe often culture is the foundation of business success. Company culture is the combination of vision statements and values, combined with the harder-to-see norms; behaviours, languages, beliefs, and systems often referred to as the company’s unwritten rules. Culture is what the business stands for and what makes us different. When you ‘connect the dots’ with the Leadership and Culture of an organisation you can seriously transform any business and make a real difference and that’s what we at Pathway Group aspire to do.
Team Pathway supporting The Signature Awards 2022
Pathway Group has been supporting the Signature Awards now in its 7th year, in addition to our CEO Safaraz Ali being a judge for the awards for the last two years.