Everyone has the right to live, learn and work in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect
Pathway Progression Plus

We’re here to support and empower young people to overcome the challenges they face

Especially those with learning difficulties, through training and support in order to expand the opportunities for those individuals with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), to fulfil their potential and to make a positive contribution to their communities. 


So, your child has become a young adult and needs an education route tailored to them and not the other way around. Many young people with SEND/SEMH will move on from their school.


Some may continue in a specialist or mainstream education setting, while others may choose an Independent Learning Provider to continue supporting their education and soft skills.

‘Education’ has a broad meaning for young people with SEN/SEMH and we look to provide a more comprehensive program approach through interactive group sessions, learner-led course delivery, essential skills building blocks, work experience, and even learning to do daily tasks are all elements of our educational programme.

As a parent of an individual with SEND/SEMH you have seen and heard more than your fair share of terminology and wordplay and, for once, would like to see/listen to it in plain talk! Well, here you go then…

Does that sound better? We hope so!


We understand that young people with SEND/SEMH already have obstacles to overcome to lead everyday lives, and you, as parents, who traditionally have little support, tend to suffer.


Pathway Progression Plus understand this and know there are very few places for parents to turn to for assistance, and we want to support you in this, making you aware of others who have the same problem, which could be of great support to you.

We will do this by creating and providing a support group for parents of children, and young people SEND/SEMH where it will encourage open information sharing, provide a safe space to ‘just take five’, networking with and signposting you to other organisations, plus much more

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