Pathway Group Delivering English and Maths Functional Skills in the East Midlands
- 1 in every 6 adults has difficulty with some aspect of reading and writing.
- 1 in 4 struggle with basic arithmetic and maths.
With this contract we hope to play our part in changing these statistics!
The purpose of this contract is to promote the in-work progression of employed individuals by delivering English and maths qualifications to adults (aged 19 or over) who are in employment for a minimum of 8 hours per week, and who have been assessed as having English or maths skills below Level 2.
The priority groups that are targeted for this provision are:
- Those with basic skills needs
- Females
- Those with disabilities or health problems
- Those aged 50 or over
- Ethnic minorities
Eligible participants will receive a maximum of two accredited qualifications of either English and/or maths. This could be: one English and one maths qualification; two English qualifications; two maths qualifications. Where a participant is undertaking two English/maths qualifications, the second qualification must be at a level higher than the first.
Additional funding is being made available to enable SME\’s with fewer than 250 full time equivalent employees to release participants to undertake accredited English and maths qualifications during work time.
This will take the form of two payments, of £400 per payment (up to a maximum of £800) for every new participant start, up to a maximum of three participants per employer. Payments will be made on the production of evidence which demonstrates that the participant has completed at least fourteen days on the programme from the start date and then second payment on the successful achievement of the qualification.
The payment is made to the employer to cover any additional costs whilst the participant is released from their place of work to undertake the training. The total payment that can be expected by the employer and how it breaks down must be made clear to them by the applicant at the outset. Funding for a maximum of 3 eligible participants is available to individual employers, although we would expect all eligible employees with basic skills needs to be supported through this activity.
Participants must be:
- Employed for a minimum of 8 hours per week (Employed and Self-employed)
- Aged 19 and over
- Have an identified English and maths need below level 2
- Live in the East Midlands region
- Have an identified English and maths need below level 2
- Volunteers could be eligible on a case by case basis if they are volunteering for at least 8 hour per week, and have a \’volunteer agreement\’
Employers will only be eligible for the employer support where they:
- Employ fewer than 250 full time equivalent employees
If you would like more information about this contract please call:0121 707 0550 or