Everyone has the right to live, learn and work in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect

New Year, New Plans, New Challenges!

A personal message to all colleagues and stakeholders of Pathway Group

By Safaraz Ali, CEO Pathway Group

It’s been a big year with highs and lows for us in many ways, and as we wrap up for 2021, I wanted to extend final festive greetings and wish you all a for the new year ahead. I want to think most of us use the next few days leading to New year to continue to rejoice, reflect, and also, where possible, rest and ‘sharpen the saw’.

So wherever possible, I would encourage you all to take stock, look back, and plan for the year ahead. Then, have a tremendous and well-deserved break, and let us burst into the new year ready to change lives!

I want to take this opportunity to briefly share some eventful points from the last 12 months and share some areas of focus and insight for Pathway in 2022.

I know we’ve manoeuvred and pivoted, and I use these two words with the emphasis here as I believe they do best reflect the circumstances. Next year will be equally challenging, and here are the bits we’re going to drive and push on are as below:

Things you may have seen or already know from 2021:

Big Wins

Secured Traineeships nationally, AEB for West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Good Work for All in Greater London and of course, the Restart contract with Serco in Birmingham, Walsall & Dudley

Growing an amazing staff base

We have strengthened our leadership team in areas such as Quality, compliance, and Sales

Even more investment

Refurbing and improving our delivery centres


Upping the impact of business development in areas of underperformance

Integrating our brands

BAME Apprenticeship Awards, BAME Apprentice Network and growing so much more

Updated our strategic plan

We have updated our strategic plan for the next three years with new core values and frameworks

Do you set New Year’s Resolutions? Here are some of ours…

  1. Working towards predicting with certainty precisely what our performance will be on some individual contracts on an overall top-level business basis
  2. Reaching out, connecting, and providing top-level customer service and care, creating ambassadors and higher lifetime value customers.
  3. Focusing further on satisfaction rates, particularly with Learner Loans, WMCA & Apprenticeships
  4. Looking at increasing Apprenticeships – We seek to grow this part of our business for the year-end of 2022 and deliver our Apprenticeships contract sustainably.
  5. We are looking to increase Traineeships. Traineeships done well will lead to apprenticeship growth.
  6. Being seen as an employer of choice by Attracting, Inspiring and Growing our people, implementing our “INGAGE” Leadership programme and our “Next Steppers” programme. People powered growth.
  7. We are relocating and adding to our already expanding centres.
  8. We use data to our advantage – flipping reporting on what’s already happened and focusing on what can happen.
  9. Culture -Culture -Culture: ensuring the updated core values are embedded and solidified in everything we do.
  10. Focus on our people – developing their personal brands linked directly to the company and our products 

Thank you once again for your support. I look to working with you and supporting you in your challenges and opportunities in 2022.

I wish you well in terms of your stocking and planning work for the period ahead. I’m doing the same, and I hope the above has been somewhat helpful, albeit it may not mean something specific to you. However, in the interest of our partnership style, I just wanted to grab this opportunity to be open and share with you. If you would like to discuss anything with me, I am only a call away.

My best wishes and sincerely thank you.

Safaraz Ali

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