Everyone has the right to live, learn and work in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect

Creating Opportunities & Awareness & Celebrating Success

Engaged with over 30 Prime Contractors in 6 regions on tendering and partnership opportunities.

Secured direct contracts with the SFA to deliver Advanced Learning Loans and Traineeships.

Achieved the milestone of 2000 jobs secured within the DWP Welfare to Work Programme across Birmingham and Walsall.

Commenced delivery on the Youth Promise Plus contract in South Birmingham with a focus on supporting 257 NEETs in to Employment and/or Training.

Peer MeetUp for training providers launched by Pathway2Grow, specifically aimed at C–Level executives within the employability and skills sector. This is free to attend peer networking event allowing individuals to connect and collaborate.

The launch of the Asian Apprenticeships Awards – recognising and celebrating the talent and diversity amongst apprentices within the BME British Asian community, and the employers and learning providers who reach out to them.

New members added to the Board with a particular focus on Governance and Accountability in addition to the appointment of Project Directors: Isa Mutlib and Kasim Choudhry.