Delivering IAG in Schools

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Historically, teachers have always been asked by students for advice on employment and further education choices. The government has now given schools the responsibility to deliver Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG) to support young people and help them make decisions about their education and career options. Schools have been put at the heart of the IAG strategy, following the closure of the Connexions service for young people as per the Education Act 1997.

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This decision reflects the fact that teachers have immense potential to shape young people’s view on progression opportunities by raising their aspirations about what they can achieve. The close relationship developed between students and their teachers in schools, makes teachers the most likely influencers for students future careers.

As the first point of contact with students, teachers will be required to provide impartial advice for students from year 7 to 11. This could include specific guidance into learning and employment progression route in their specialised subject areas.

This is going to mean that schools will need an IAG qualified staff base that will take up these additional duties. Pathway Group are committed to offering vocational training programmes in Information, Advice and Guidance to enable staff dealing with young people, to obtain the qualification at Levels 3 or 4. Our training programme encourages life-long learning, in a cost effective manner.

Speak to our friendly advisors today to obtain further information about our IAG courses on 0121 707 0550.