Everyone has the right to live, learn and work in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect

Parents’ Guide to Career Planning

As a parent or guardian, you play a vital role in supporting your child to explore the opportunities available to them for life after school. It can be difficult to know where to start but it’s important to arm yourself with the latest information and resources. This is where we come in.

How can I help my child with their future career plans?

As a parent there is a lot you can do to support your child and help them find the career that is right for them. Encourage them to:

Talk to them

Talk about their career ideas and future plans, get them to think about where they’d like to work


Research a range of careers and jobs that maybe interested in using the National Career Service website

Entry Requirements

Find out about entry requirements for college, university courses, apprenticeships or jobs they are interested in


Support them to develop their skills through, encourage them to have interests. This will help them when they areapplying for courses or jobs.

Work Experience

Enourage them to find out about the world of work through work experience opportunities
Who can apply for a Traineeship?
You can apply for a traineeship if you’re:
  • Eligible to work in England
  • Have little or no work experience but are motivated to work
  • Aged 16 to 24 – or 25 with an EHC plan – and qualified below level 3
Applications for Traineeships are open throughout the year. Some employers only hire at certain times, but as the programmes are quite short a majority of employers hire cohorts across the year.

What does a Traineeship include?

Traineeships are free. The cost of training is given directly to training providers by the government. A traineeship isn’t a job and employers are not required to pay you for the work placement.

Support from Pathway Group
Training to prepare you for work including CV writing and what to expect in the workplace

Support to improve your English and maths if you need it
Support from the Employer
A high-quality work placement of at least 100 hours

An interview for an apprenticeship or job if available, or an exit interview with written feedback

You may get:

  • Expenses for transport and meals from your employer

  • Financial support for travel, childcare or a disability from your training provider

  • Support from your local Jobcentre Plus if you are eligible for work benefits