Everyone has the right to live, learn and work in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect

Skills for Growth – Equip your business with the skills for growth

Skills for Growth is a fully funded skills consultation service tailored to help upskill employees, improve productivity and drive business growth. Our expert skills consultants work at your pace to help you grow your business by identifying skills gaps, developing your talent and enhancing your team’s performance.

Support at no cost to your business, at your own pace, your dedicated coach will guide you through the programme

Skills for Growth
  • Structured and supported by comprehensive curriculum plans and delivered both online and face to face
  • Inspiring and individually designed meeting the needs of the learner and employer
  • Delivered at a convenient location and time (including weekend and evenings)
  • Reviewed and updated to meet the needs of learners
  • Flexible to take into account peak demands in the work place and other barriers to learning and progression ie school holidays
  • Supportive and where needed, proving additional learner and additional learning support
  • Reviewed and developed to meet the needs of employers, therefore outcome and impact led
  • Working in partnership with employers creating a cohesive, collaborative and partnership approach

Digital Leadership

  • Designing and implementing an effective customer relationship management (CRM) system
  • Process mapping your business
  • Using IT to implement workforce development
  • Online etiquette

Digital Skills for Business

  • Online customer service standards
  • What software meets my needs
  • IT communications in a modern world
  • What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Tailored digital business support

Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Skills for Growth