
Sajad Ali

Chief Projects Officer

Sajad Ali

Meet Sajad Ali

Sajad has worked at Pathway since early 2009, starting with administrative roles and then moving onto Management including Office Management and Project Management.

Saj studied HND in Multi-Media at University but decided not purse but go into general management and the Education Sector. Saj is a qualified assessor and also has his teaching Qualifications as well as a verified award. He has undertaken a number of Qualifications and is always in the pursuit of knowledge and growth. Saj currently holds a number of Health and Safety Qualifications, Safeguarding, Safer Recruitment, Information Advice and Guidance Level 3, CIEH Risk Assessment, Functional Skills and Prince 2 Foundation Level.

Saj is the lead nominee for Ofsted and has a passion for delivering quality learning and making impact with everything that he and Pathway does.

Sajad likes to watch talks or lectures by Influencers, has a passion for History especially Orientalism and likes particularly watching documentaries and other factual programs. Saj is a very approachable guy despite his looks and size. You can call him directly on 07531 866 922.