Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP) have been setup across England, replacing Regional Development Authorities (RDA) and each LEP is set up in its own unique way and operates on its own terms and this is where it can be confusing.
However, despite LEPs all being run in their own way there are central principles which they all conform to. The principle role of an LEP is to determine economic priorities, and lead on economic growth and job creation within its local area. The general theme is that the LEPs\’ role has evolved somewhat from purely developing economic strategy to implementing business support and directing funding. The LEPs have had responsibility for leading on the distribution of the Growing Places Fund, the Local Growth Fund and more recently it has been decided that the LEPs are to be the lead organisation on the distribution of the EU Structural and Investment Fund and the EU Rural Funding.
For further information on Pathway2Work – please visit Barry@pathwaygroup.co.uk.