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Healthy Eating Week 2022

#HealthyEatingWeek; this year’s big message is to eat well for you and the planet, giving everyone a chance to focus on a healthier and more sustainable diet.


Focus on fibre - for meals and snacks

Have more wholegrain foods, fruit and vegetables, beans, peas, and lentils.

Get at least 5 A DAY – put plenty on your plate

Have at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day.

Vary your protein – be more creative

Have more wholegrain foods, fruit and vegetables, beans, peas, and lentils.

Stay hydrated – fill up from the tap

Keep a glass or bottle of tap water with you to encourage you to drink plenty of water.

Reduce food waste – know your portions

Aim for the right amount when you shop, cook, and eat to avoid throwing food away.

Find out how we’ve been raising the awareness of Healthy Eating!

Food Rainbow

Fruit and vegetable healthy concept

Eating a variety of different coloured foods can ensure that learners’ are getting a good range of fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in their diet. This can help keep bodies healthy and strong, as well as protecting against illness and helping to manage our weight.

  • Red: Strawberries, apples, tomatoes, red peppers, raspberries, cherries
  • Orange: Pumpkin, butternut squash, oranges, sweet potatoes
  • Yellow: Lemons, melons, grapefruits, bananas, yellow pepper
  • Green: Cabbage, broccoli, apples, grapes, courgettes, brussels sprouts, kiwis
  • Blue: Blueberries, blackberries
  • Purple: Plums, aubergine, grapes, cabbage, red onions

Mindful Eating

Each learner was given a small amount of different healthy foods (taking into account any allergies or special food requirements). Then, in groups, they were asked to sit quietly and reflect for a minute on how the food came to be on their plates.

  • Where did it come from?
  • Who worked to grow/make it?
  • What did it need to grow?
  • Is it a meal or snack?
  • What colour is it?
  • How does it feel in their hands or move around the plate?
  • What does it smell like?

Once they answered these questions, they took a bite of their food and examined the sensation of smelling, chewing and swallowing.

Thanks to Anju, Parvinder, Karima and Shampa  for contributing to this information.