Everyone has the right to live, learn and work in safety, free from abuse, harm and neglect

DWP CAEHRS Provision

The government’s Plan for Jobs is helping millions of people across the country who have been directly impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19). We know that those who have been out of work for longer periods might need extra help to move back into employment.

“CAEHRS is designed to support the provision of Employment and Health related programmes and with the changes in economic conditions triggered by the impact of COVID-19 this is likely to become a key area of strategic focus for welfare to work and skills providers like ourselves over the medium term and we recognise that we can make a meaningful difference as well – a true win/win.”

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We have a strong demonstrable track record of local service delivery with meaningful impact and have been recognised previously both under Work Programme and Flexible New Deal initiatives for Intraining for many years.

We pride ourselves as having an innovative approach and very much system driven to drive performance and are known for working with specialist cohorts in the following Key areas of support and delivery:

  • Employability
  • Health and Wellbeing Related Services
  • Education and Skills
  • Careers and Advice Services
  • Enterprise and Business Support
  • Youth

Working with the following customer groups:

  • BAME groups
  • Lone parents
  • Over 25s
  • Over 50s
  • Professionals
  • Executives
  • Refugees
  • Asylum seekers
  • Whole families
  • Young people (NEET)
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