The Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (commonly known as BIS) published statistics on Apprenticeships in January 2013.
Information was gathered during the academic year 2011/12:
- Apprenticeship starts amounted to 520,600 in 2011/12.
- Statistics show an increase in number by 63,400 since the 2010/11 academic year, and 240,900 more than in the 2009/10 academic year.
- The substantial increase in numbers is principally due to more people taking up apprenticeships from the 25+ age group.
- Apprenticeship starts from the 25+ age group were 44% in 2011/12, compared to 18% in 2009/10.
- Apprenticeships in the service sector – in Business Administration and Retail, were the most widely chosen frameworks.
- Females made up the majority of apprenticeship starts.
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